Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thrifty Thursday!

I have a confession.  I love thrift stores.  I try to go multiple times a week just to feed my hoarding compulsion.  This week I almost broke the bank by spending a whole thirty dollars, but I got some fabulous things!

I got 3 large frames, a globe, stacks of vintage books (at .38 cents a piece), and lots of other things...

The tall Texan glasses are one of my favorite things from the day.  6 for $1.21!  I washed them about 4 times in scalding hot water and felt great about drinking out of them! (judge it if you will)  I also was able to pick up some vintage state plates.  It was a great day for state plates.  That almost never happens for me.

I saw state plates all the time before I started collecting them.   Now they are super elusive to me.  I don't know what I'm going to do with them, but I have stacks in my cabinet right now just waiting for the perfect place to be displayed.

Can't wait until next week!

1 comment:

  1. I need you to take me with you and mold me into a good thrifter!
